Hot Air

Biden Suddenly Uninterested in Environment When Uranium is Involved – HotAir

I’m old enough to remember when Democrats lectured everyone about protecting the environment and how evil Republicans wanted to lynch Mother Nature and roast all of the California condors. One other thing they were definitely against was drilling and mining. Digging vast holes in the ground is dangerous and releases all sorts of toxins. Do any of you remember those days? Well, put away your scrapbooks because a new day has dawned. Joe Biden and the Democrats are now in love with mining, but not for coal, of course. (Perish the thought.) But if you’re willing to mine for uranium, you can tear up the landscape to your heart’s content. And if some Indigenous American tribes happen to be living there and they are complaining about it, they need to zip their pie holes. We’ve got some nuclear reactors to build and you people aren’t going to be standing in our way. And yes, this is also…

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