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Biden Tweets About Trump’s RNC Remarks, Reveals One Reason He’s in So Much Trouble – RedState

Given Joe Biden’s issues, it often sparks the thought, “Who is running things?” since Biden seems not to know what is going on so much of the time. 

Biden is now “isolating” in Rehoboth Beach, allegedly with COVID. As we noted at various spots coming back from Las Vegas to Delaware, Biden was not wearing a mask, and he had trouble even getting into a car at one point. 

But just after 8:00 p.m. ET on Friday, Biden (or the intern who tweets from his account) began posting a slew of things about watching former President Donald Trump’s RNC remarks because he was sick. If that were true, why didn’t he post about it on Thursday during the remarks? Why did he wait to post until now? The thing is, I think he/his team is trying to convince people that he’s up and not asleep after 8 p.m. So that’s really funny. Even though I say “Biden,” assume from here on in I also mean whoever is…

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