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Biden’s 5 Favorite Fudges on Immigration Law: The BorderLine

Earlier this week, I explained “parole in place,” President Joe Biden’s latest attempt to grant a back-door amnesty. Biden isn’t the first president to use flimsy pretexts and dodgy interpretations of law to force immigration policy in the absence of legal authority, but he is by far the most reckless.

Here are my Five Favorite Fudges, a list of the top jerry-rigged workarounds currently used to grant amnesty or benefits to illegal immigrants that never were envisioned by Congress.

1. Parole

“Parole in place” was recently in the news, so let’s start here.

Congress intended immigration parole to be used by the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to allow a few hundred migrants a year into the country, in exceptional circumstances. But since 2021, Biden has used it to create a string of “McVisa” programs benefiting Afghans, then…

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