Big Mo has raised its head in a very big state for Democrat hopes … and not in a good way. A new poll from AARP — not exactly a MAGA-friendly joint — shows Joe Biden now trailing outside the margin of error in both head-to-head and full ballot matchups against Donald Trump. And it’s not a post-debate outlier, either:
Former President Trump holds a 6-point lead over President Biden on the full ballot: 44% – 38%. RFK Jr. gets 9%, other candidates 4%, and 5% are undecided. Trump is up 50% – 45% on the head-to-head ballot.
Trump has similar mid-single digit leads on the full ballot among voters under 50 and 50+, though voters under 50 are much more likely to choose a third party option. There is a larger difference between those two age segments on the head-to-head ballot where Trump is up 9-points among the 50+ but only 1-point among those under 50.
This is driven primarily by…