Red state

Big Warning Signs for Kamala HQ in Pennsylvania After Release of New Susquehanna Poll – RedState

For weeks now, the mainstream media has been working overtime to promote the theory that all the momentum in the presidential race is in Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris‘ corner, perhaps thinking that their cheerleading and Baghdad Bob-esque coverage have done the trick.

But the devil, as has often been said, is in the details, and what they show is that when it comes right down to it, Harris has not been able to seal the deal in many of the battleground states she’s spent the most time in since becoming the nominee.

As my RedState colleague Nick Arama reported on Tuesday, “There may be a big shift underway. Over the last couple of days, there has been some real movement in some of the polls back to former President Donald Trump.”

“The reality of Kamala Harris’s emptiness seems to be setting in, and it looks like her avoidance of questions may now be backfiring on her,”…

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