Comedian Bill Maher slammed the Palestinians during his most recent broadcast for believing in myths, having unrealistic expectations, being hypocrites, and for expecting Israel to negotiate with them when they are genocidal.
Maher made the remarks during his “New Rule” segment toward the end of his “Real Time” show on HBO Friday evening.
“I know it’s supposed to be that magical time of year, but maybe what we all really need right now is a good dose of realism,” he said. “I see a lot of Nativity scenes when I’m out as you always do before Christmas, and I can’t help thinking about where that manger really is. It’s in the West Bank, on Palestinian lands controlled by the Palestinian Authority. In 1950, the little town of Bethlehem was 86% Christian. Now, it’s overwhelmingly Muslim. And that’s my point tonight, things change. To 2.3 billion Christians, there…