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Bill Maher’s Hilarious Take on Biden Debate Debacle, With Bonus Funny Freak Out From Chris Matthews – RedState

You had to know that Bill Maher was going to have a funny reaction to Joe Biden’s debate debacle. And he didn’t disappoint; it was a truly hilarious take, as our sister site Townhall observed. He still has difficulty with his Trump Derangement Syndrome, but he just hammered the heck out of Biden’s performance in an honest way. He even titled his take, “Come On, Man!” 

“In case you missed it, so did one of the contestants,” he joked, meaning Biden, to big audience laughter. 

“Trump told lie after lie,” taking the Dems’ posturing narrative, but then skewering it. “He never would have gotten away with it if Joe Biden were there.” Of course, it was Biden who, on the few occasions he was coherent, told the boatload of…

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