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Billions Climbed Out of Extreme Poverty, Thanks to Free Markets

In this season of giving, I’ll donate to The Doe Fund, a charity that helps drug abusers and ex-cons find purpose in life through work.

Doe’s approach doesn’t include many handouts. It’s mostly about encouraging people to work.
“Work works!” they say.

It does.

Most Doe Fund workers don’t go back to jail.

I’ll also donate to Student Sponsor Partners, a nonprofit that gives scholarships to kids from low-income families so they can escape bad public schools. SSP sends them to Catholic schools.

I’m not Catholic, but I donate because government-run schools are often so bad that Catholic schools do better at half the cost. Thanks to SSP, thousands of kids escape poverty.

Yet some on the Left say giving time and money to charity is a mistake. Their trust in government leads them to think that government programs are much better at lifting people out…

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