Red state

Black Voter Support for Biden Crumbling, 41 Percent Not Even Sure They’ll Vote Come November – RedState

President Biden’s poll numbers have been in the tank in recent months, with several showing former President Trump beating him in November’s presidential election.

But the news gets worse for the commander-in-chief as a survey released Monday by the “In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda” group shows that enthusiasm for the president among black voters has plunged since his election in 2020. The bloc is crucial to his reelection chances as he took in 87 percent of their votes last time around. 

The percentage he takes won’t matter much if the turnout numbers crater.

The report found that young people are especially turned off:

Young Black adults may feel particularly unmotivated to vote in the fall elections. 

Just 38% of 18- to 29-year-olds say they are “almost certain” to vote this fall, compared to 59% of respondents overall. One in…

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