Now, I’m no legal scholar – I just play one here at HotAir – but this recent development seems to be a tad one-sided to my untrained jurisprudence brain.
Lemme toss it out there and see if you agree.
One week ago, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to hold the quavery-voiced, mendacious, perpetually lying sack of carbon Attorney General of the United States in contempt for his refusal to release the Special Counsel audio tape of Joe Biden’s interview.
BREAKING: House holds Attorney General Garland in contempt for not releasing Biden
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) June 12, 2024
Not releasing the audio of the interview when the (supposed) transcripts are already in the public realm was the straw that broke the camel’s back after years of Garland’s intransigence, obfuscation, obstructionism, and prevarications when dealing with the GOP-led House. All…