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Blinken Ignores Congress, Hobnobs With Elite at UN

Secretary of State Antony Blinken was a no-show at a congressional hearing Tuesday morning, triggering House Republicans to move toward holding the nation’s top diplomat in contempt of Congress.

Blinken originally was subpoenaed Sept. 3 by House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, for a hearing on the committee’s investigation into the Biden-Harris administration’s poorly executed withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. 

The secretary of state was expected to rebuff the Foreign Affairs Committee’s demand to appear despite persistent threats from McCaul that the panel would hold him in contempt. To show it was serious about holding Blinken accountable, the committee released a draft contempt resolution report Monday, and will now look to carry out its threat.

In anticipation of McCaul’s move, Blinken penned a letter to the chairman dated Sunday and…

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