It’s as if every major media outlet in the country uses the same dishonest headline writer (and that writer is a DNC staffer). Outlet after outlet, site after site – they’re all going with the same narrative, namely that Trump predicted that there will be blood in the streets if he doesn’t win the presidential election this November.
RedState’s Nick Arama wrote about it Sunday, breaking down the making of a hoax and how the compliant media and even Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) are playing along with it.
With New ‘Bloodbath’ Claim Against Trump, We’re Watching ‘Hoax-Making In Progress’
They Have No Conscience: Pelosi Spreads New ‘Bloodbath’ Hoax Against Trump
While blood in the streets is the implication of their blaring headlines, they almost all neglect to mention the former president was talking about a “bloodbath” in the auto industry. He was saying that Biden’s…