Hot Air

Boeing Workers…Go On Strike? – HotAir

Ah, they say timing is everything, and I guess there’s no time better than when your company is on its knees, and a good part of the reason is *checks notes* it’s gotten a reputation for shoddy manufacturing practices.

By the way…who does the manufacturing at Boeing – the riveting, attaching panels, running wires, doors – or not – that sort of thing?

Why, I would have thought Boeing workers, but I guess they just don’t see it that way, because they have demands.

And they’re not coming back until Boeing does something about it.

…Boeing Machinists across the US West Coast stopped work at midnight on Friday. Hundreds of workers occupied picket lines at the Renton factory outside of Seattle that makes Boeing’s top-selling aircraft, the 737 Max.

Despite a contract Boeing touted as its most-generous ever, Machinists voted 94.6% to reject it, with 96% supporting a strike. Boeing’s…

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