Red state

Border Patrol Officer Blasts Harris/Biden Admin on Border Failures – RedState

Our republic’s borders, in particular the southern border, are utterly out of control and have been for some time. We’ve been beating the drum on this issue, but some of the most powerful voices speaking on this issue are those charged with enforcing our border laws.

Zachary Apotheker is one of those voices. He has been a Border Patrol officer since 2020, and it’s something of an understatement to say that he’s fed up with the Harris/Biden administration’s deliberate ignoring of the crisis.

A frustrated Border Patrol agent said the Harris-Biden administration has turned his job into a migrant concierge service — and he fears that the crisis at the besieged southern border is only going to get worse.

Zachary Apotheker, who has been a Border Patrol agent since 2020, told The Post that he misses what his job used to be — busting big drug loads, apprehending illegal crossers and…

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