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Botched Late-Term Abortion Left Woman Hospitalized With Baby Parts Inside, Woman’s Lawsuit Says

A woman is suing an Illinois doctor after he allegedly botched her late-term abortion, landing her in the emergency room with baby parts left inside her, a potentially deadly complication.

Dr. Keith Reisinger-Kindle at Equity Clinic in Champaign, Illinois, performed the abortion on her 22-week unborn baby on April 2, 2023, the anonymous woman, who goes by “Jane Doe,” said in her lawsuit, filed on Friday.

The lawsuit alleges Kindle botched the “dilation and evacuation” procedure, perforating the woman’s uterus and leaving a significant part of the baby’s body inside her.

Kindle also allegedly did not administer any drugs to stop the baby’s heart, meaning he potentially dismembered the baby alive.

The woman, a mother of four living children, endured hours of pain before ending up in the emergency room, where a surgical team removed the rest of her baby and repaired her…

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