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Breaking Free from Foreign Energy Dependence

Adapted from a speech at The Heritage Foundation’s Texas Summit on March 7, 2025. 

It is great to be living in the golden era of America. It’s hard to keep up with President Donald Trump, though, in the House of Representatives. 

We have a president who is all gas and no brakes when it comes to energy. We have a president who understands that American energy is an asset, not a liability; who understands that energy is national security; who believes that energy security is national security. We have a president who champions the energy industry because energy is actually the lifeblood of civilization.  

Look around you, everything requires energy for us to even be here today. In the last four years, the Biden administration did everything they could to stand on the neck of the energy industry. And yet, in spite of that, we are pumping more energy in America…

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