Brent Bozell on ‘Life Liberty & Levin’: Media’s Biden Lying Exposed
News Busters

Brent Bozell on ‘Life Liberty & Levin’: Media’s Biden Lying Exposed

To discuss the aftermath of the disastrous Biden debate on Saturday night’s Life Liberty & Levin, Mark Levin said there was “no better guest: than Media Research Center “head muckety-muck” Brent Bozell.

Levin began by noting CNN and MSNBC and the rest mocked Fox News and the conservative media for “pouncing” on Biden’s feeble performances. Bozell said the media’s lying has been exposed: 

BOZELL: As you saw the debate in progress, you sensed that the left was collapsing in shock at what they were looking at. But where conservatives were concerned, conservatives were just pointing at this and saying, this is what we’ve been saying all about this man. He’s old, he’s feeble, he’s falling apart, and he shouldn’t be president and leader of the free world.

The media are now in a panic because everything they thought about him, everything that we’re saying…

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