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British Man Sentenced for Praying Outside Abortion Clinic – HotAir

Even George Orwell probably never had a clue just how right he would turn out to be when he wrote 1984. Then again, good old George never had any idea that he would live to see times such as these. He would likely scoff at the suggestion that a story such as the one playing out in Poole, England involving Adam Smith-Connor could be taking place in the modern era. Mr Smith-Connor was recently convicted at Poole Magistrates Courts on charges of “disapproval of abortion” after he was found to have been praying in front of his abortion clinic. He was ordered to pay court costs as part of his conditional release, but the courts aren’t done with him yet. (Premiere Christian News)

A Christian man has been found guilty of breaching abortion clinic buffer zone rules after silently praying for his deceased son.

Adam Smith-Connor, a military veteran and father of two, was sentenced at Poole…

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