Brzezinski Loses Temper, Slams White House Staff for Biden’s Age
News Busters

Brzezinski Loses Temper, Slams White House Staff for Biden’s Age

Wednesday’s Morning Joe on MSNBC took a comedic turn with host Mika Brzezinski’s volatile rant against Biden White House staffers, blaming them for the President’s age-related issues.

Brzezinski in her odd temper tantrum blamed the Biden staff for not scheduling in a way that accounted for his old age, while simultaneously insisting her rant should not be framed as commenting on whether Biden’s abilities and competency.

Brzezinski fumed:

“Yeah, I think his staff needs to own his age. I’m just going to be honest. I don’t think they do a good job helping out the president. And I’m not talking about it like- I’m just saying, if you are managing a president’s schedule and you’re managing a president getting on stage and getting off stage, getting on and off planes, and yes, he’s 80. You need to be there for him. And you need to make a pathway and you sure as hell better make sure he doesn’t fall on a sandbag. And I blame the staff for that.”

Brzezinski was so mad about Biden’s image being tainted by his own gaffes and falls she just chewed out his staff on air. Absolutely amazing.

The sandbag comment was a reference to an incident where Biden tripped and fell at the Air Force graduation, later claiming he was tripped up by a sandbag, though conservatives contest that excuse and claim he fell himself.

But what was really juicy, other than the fact Brzezinski lost her mind over this perceived failure by the Biden staff, was that she tried to backtrack and downplay the whole thing at the same time, “And it’s not- Don’t take this as ‘oh, he can’t even get from one place to another.’ When you’re busy and you’re on stage, and we’ve been on stage.”

So Biden’s staff needed to be there guiding and supervising him completely so he didn’t trip over a sandbag, yet he was just fine and could get from place to place easily? Which was it? Normal, functioning humans don’t need help to make sure they don’t trip walking anywhere. And they don’t need to be directed everywhere either. Nursing home patients need that. Brzezinski can’t have it both ways. If Biden was a weak, old, incapable President, he might need such nannying. But if he was the strong, robust president MSNBC presented him as, he wouldn’t need that at all.

Either way, it was clear MSNBC’s fake image of Biden crumbled so much it broke Mika Brzezinski along with it.

Mika’s anger management failure was sponsored by 4imprint and Consumer Cellular. Their contact information is linked.

The transcript is below, click “expand” to read:

MSNBC’s Morning Joe


7:03 AM ET


MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Yeah, I think his staff needs to own his age. I’m just going to be honest. I don’t think they do a good job helping out the president. And I’m not talking about it like- I’m just saying, if you are managing a president’s schedule and you’re managing a president getting on stage and getting off stage, getting on and off planes, and yes, he’s 80. You need to be there for him. And you need to make a pathway and you sure as hell better make sure he doesn’t fall on a sandbag. And I blame the staff for that.

These are the things that are going to hurt him, these things that are gonna be played on a loop. Okay. Let him do his job, let him do his speeches, let him work on policy, let him do his connections in Congress, unlike any president that we’ve seen since, I don’t know, since Clinton. 

But my God, make sure you know, you’re Secret Service, you’re his staff, you’re there and you’re telling him what’s next. And it’s not- Don’t take this as oh, he can’t even get from one place to another. When you’re busy and you’re on stage, and we’ve been on stage. 


BRZEZINSKI: I have done speeches. And I’m so nervous. I’m doing the speech. I’m trying to get it right, and when it’s done, I don’t know which way to go. And I’m looking for direction. So do a better job because you can’t have these video images of the President tripping or the President like going the wrong way, it’s not going to work in this presidency, because his age is going to be a factor. His age is going to be a factor, and it’s your job to make sure he gets from one place to another. He can handle the presidency. You have to handle his schedule and where he goes. 

SCARBOROUGH: Well, and, and this schedule…

BRZEZINSKI: It makes me mad. 

SCARBOROUGH: The scheduling is so important, you have with every president, you have different strengths, you have different weaknesses. If somebody were younger in the White House they would manage his expectations to make sure that he never looked too young or too inexperienced. Biden is getting up there, he is slowing down as Mike said, a lot of people forget, I think he broke his foot or fractured his foot during the transition. He hasn’t really been the same. His walk looks a lot differently. They’ve got to manage a lot of things and this is managing the schedule you know, again — 

BRZEZINSKI: That’s the easy part? 

SCARBOROUGH: Again, again.

Donald Trump can’t criticize Joe Biden if he’s not putting in 12-hour days, because Donald Trump sat with executive time and watched cable news for the great part of his presidency. There are also a couple of other presidents who told us personally, we’re not going to say their names, that they like to get out of the Oval Office at 6:00 at night and go upstairs and hang out with their kids and watch TV.

BRZEZINSKI: Or go to bed by 9. 


Wednesday’s Morning Joe on MSNBC took a comedic turn with host Mika Brzezinski’s volatile rant against Biden White House staffers, blaming them for the President’s age-related issues.

Brzezinski in her odd temper tantrum blamed the Biden staff for not scheduling in a way that accounted for his old age, while simultaneously insisting her rant should not be framed as commenting on whether Biden’s abilities and competency.

Brzezinski fumed:

“Yeah, I think his staff needs to own his age. I’m just going to be honest. I don’t think they do a good job helping out the president. And I’m not talking about it like- I’m just saying, if you are managing a president’s schedule and you’re managing a president getting on stage and getting off stage, getting on and off planes, and yes, he’s 80. You need to be there for him. And you need to make a pathway and you sure as hell better make sure he doesn’t fall on a sandbag. And I blame the staff for that.”

Brzezinski was so mad about Biden’s image being tainted by his own gaffes and falls she just chewed out his staff on air. Absolutely amazing.

The sandbag comment was a reference to an incident where Biden tripped and fell at the Air Force graduation, later claiming he was tripped up by a sandbag, though conservatives contest that excuse and claim he fell himself.

But what was really juicy, other than the fact Brzezinski lost her mind over this perceived failure by the Biden staff, was that she tried to backtrack and downplay the whole thing at the same time, “And it’s not- Don’t take this as ‘oh, he can’t even get from one place to another.’ When you’re busy and you’re on stage, and we’ve been on stage.”

So Biden’s staff needed to be there guiding and supervising him completely so he didn’t trip over a sandbag, yet he was just fine and could get from place to place easily? Which was it? Normal, functioning humans don’t need help to make sure they don’t trip walking anywhere. And they don’t need to be directed everywhere either. Nursing home patients need that. Brzezinski can’t have it both ways. If Biden was a weak, old, incapable President, he might need such nannying. But if he was the strong, robust president MSNBC presented him as, he wouldn’t need that at all.

Either way, it was clear MSNBC’s fake image of Biden crumbled so much it broke Mika Brzezinski along with it.

Mika’s anger management failure was sponsored by 4imprint and Consumer Cellular. Their contact information is linked.

The transcript is below, click “expand” to read:

MSNBC’s Morning Joe


7:03 AM ET


MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Yeah, I think his staff needs to own his age. I’m just going to be honest. I don’t think they do a good job helping out the president. And I’m not talking about it like- I’m just saying, if you are managing a president’s schedule and you’re managing a president getting on stage and getting off stage, getting on and off planes, and yes, he’s 80. You need to be there for him. And you need to make a pathway and you sure as hell better make sure he doesn’t fall on a sandbag. And I blame the staff for that.

These are the things that are going to hurt him, these things that are gonna be played on a loop. Okay. Let him do his job, let him do his speeches, let him work on policy, let him do his connections in Congress, unlike any president that we’ve seen since, I don’t know, since Clinton. 

But my God, make sure you know, you’re Secret Service, you’re his staff, you’re there and you’re telling him what’s next. And it’s not- Don’t take this as oh, he can’t even get from one place to another. When you’re busy and you’re on stage, and we’ve been on stage. 


BRZEZINSKI: I have done speeches. And I’m so nervous. I’m doing the speech. I’m trying to get it right, and when it’s done, I don’t know which way to go. And I’m looking for direction. So do a better job because you can’t have these video images of the President tripping or the President like going the wrong way, it’s not going to work in this presidency, because his age is going to be a factor. His age is going to be a factor, and it’s your job to make sure he gets from one place to another. He can handle the presidency. You have to handle his schedule and where he goes. 

SCARBOROUGH: Well, and, and this schedule…

BRZEZINSKI: It makes me mad. 

SCARBOROUGH: The scheduling is so important, you have with every president, you have different strengths, you have different weaknesses. If somebody were younger in the White House they would manage his expectations to make sure that he never looked too young or too inexperienced. Biden is getting up there, he is slowing down as Mike said, a lot of people forget, I think he broke his foot or fractured his foot during the transition. He hasn’t really been the same. His walk looks a lot differently. They’ve got to manage a lot of things and this is managing the schedule you know, again — 

BRZEZINSKI: That’s the easy part? 

SCARBOROUGH: Again, again.

Donald Trump can’t criticize Joe Biden if he’s not putting in 12-hour days, because Donald Trump sat with executive time and watched cable news for the great part of his presidency. There are also a couple of other presidents who told us personally, we’re not going to say their names, that they like to get out of the Oval Office at 6:00 at night and go upstairs and hang out with their kids and watch TV.

BRZEZINSKI: Or go to bed by 9. 


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