News Busters

Burr Goes On Anti-Musk Rant: ‘They’re Horrible Heartless People’

Comedian Bill Burr stopped by NBC on Tuesday to sit down with The Tonight Show’s Jimmy Fallon and go on a rant against billionaires who have supported President Trump, but mostly Elon Musk, calling them “horrible, heartless people.”

A wound-up Burr began by declaring, “Well, it’s a positive time, Jimmy.” After a nervous Fallon sarcastically agreed, “Yeah, it really is,” Burr continued, “Billionaires are not happy having a billion dollars.”



He then wondered, “Why does Elon Musk dress like he just got out of a Hot Topic? I am so sick of that guy trying to rewrite his origin story, like he was Matthew McConaughey pulling into the high school.”

According to Burr, Musk’s true origin story was, “You were a [bleep] nerd. Nobody banged you. And now you have hair plugs in your laminated face.”

Burr kept rolling, “Everybody…

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