For many years, I’ve preached about how great it is to live in the United States, a constitutional republic that has federalism as one of its founding principles. Federalism means that each state is its own laboratory in government; each state largely runs its own affairs (at least, that’s how it was meant to be), and if any citizen doesn’t like it where they are, they have 49 other states to choose from. As George Carlin reminded us in his famous “Al Sleet, the Hippie-Dippie Weatherman” sketch, “Always remember, if you don’t like the weather, move!”
It’s a good system. What works for Massachusetts won’t work for Wyoming, and what the residents of Connecticut think is a good idea won’t often fly in Alaska.
This brings us to the two largest states in the lower 48 in both area and population, California and Texas. Corporations and people alike have been voting…