Red state

CA Congressman Mike Levin Champions the Illegal Influx; His Republican Challenger Condemns the Cartels – RedState

On Tuesday, Rep. Mike Levin (D-CA) was among the 154 Democrat Congresspersons who voted against H. R. 5585the Agent Raul Gonzalez Officer Safety Act, which would impose criminal and immigration penalties against citizens or illegal aliens fleeing (in vehicles) from federal law enforcement. The act was crafted in light of recent high-speed chases in Texas: One happened in November, involving a 15-year-old who got up to speeds of 150 mph with five illegal immigrants with him in order to evade Texas DPS. The other occurred five days ago. An 18-year-old carrying two illegals led chase through Laredo, TX, and the surrounding county, then crashed. His human cargo of two illegals fled the scene. 

To Levin’s credit, he has at least visited the Southern Border and admits there is a crisis. Levin has said that the immigration system is “broken.” However, Levin still toes the Democrat…

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