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‘Cafeteria Catholic’: Washington Archbishop Criticizes Biden, Says He Uses Abortion As ‘Political Pawn’

The Archbishop of Washington, Wilton Cardinal Gregory, criticized President Joe Biden over the weekend, calling him a “cafeteria Catholic.”

The archbishop appeared on CBS News’s “Face The Nation” on Sunday with host Ed O’Keefe, who asked him, “In the case of the president, do you get a sense that his regular attendance and adherence to the faith resonates with American Catholics?”

“I could say that he’s very sincere about his faith, but like a number of Catholics, he picks and chooses dimensions of the faith to highlight while ignoring or even contradicting other parts,” the archbishop answered. “There is a phrase that we have used in the past, a cafeteria Catholic, you choose that which is attractive and dismiss that which is challenging.”

“Is there something on the menu he’s not ordering, in your view, so to speak?” O’Keefe pressed.

“Well, I would…

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