This takes hypocrite to a whole new level.
It’s become very common amongst the left to refer to pro-lifers with derogatory terms. After all, the left has no class. As of late, with the overturn of Roe last June, the left has called pro-lifers things like “forced birthers” or “human incubators” and even referred to them as supporting concepts like that of the “Handmaids Tale.” Well now, pro-abort California is supporting those terms they refer to pro-lifers as.
Oh, how the tables have turned.
In California’s SB-729 bill that was amended late last month, the state would require insurance companies to cover the cost of surrogacy for gay and lesbian couples that want babies, if passed.
Talk about incubators!
Surrogacy in this form would take a sperm donation from one or both fathers, and implant it in a woman to carry. The woman would endure the nine month pregnancy, have to attend checkups, maintain her health and then go through childbirth of her biological child, just to give it up. Now I don’t want to discredit her pregnancy. All pregnancy, no matter how it came about should be celebrated. However, the left can’t seriously look at a situation like this and then call pro-lifers the forced birthers.
That’s exactly what this is!
A provision to the bill indicated that “coverage for the treatment of infertility and fertility services shall be provided without discrimination on the basis of age, ancestry, color, disability, domestic partner status, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation,” and insisted that coverage would be for anyone, not just men and women who have medical trouble conceiving.
As noted by the Washington Free Beacon, this provision would provide coverage for hetero and homosexual couples.
In California, health care insurance providers were already required to cover fertility treatments other than in-vitro for employees who are medically infertile. But now, the bill changed the word “infertility” to no longer be defined as a disease or a medical condition, but rather a “status.” So gay people could claim the “status” of infertile and gain access to this coverage. This coverage that, mind you, would “raise annual premiums for employer-sponsored plans by more than $330 million a year.”
“This bill seeks to further erode the father, mother, and child nuclear family and make everyone in society pay for it to further a make-believe cause named ‘fertility equality,'” California Family Council Capitol director Greg Burt said in opposition to the bill. “The reason healthy singles and same-sex couples can’t reproduce has nothing to do with infertility; it has to do with biology.”
On the other hand, an organization called Men Having Babies boasted, “Central to our fight for more equitable access to parenting options is what we know from our combined experiences: The anguish and yearning that same-sex couples and singles feel due to their inability to reproduce without medical intervention is equal to the anguish of heterosexual couples who suffer from ‘medical infertility.”
“Anguish and yearning?” Seriously?
Gay people can’t get pregnant because their parts don’t enable them to do so. Two women can’t ever make a child and neither can two men. That’s not how God designed them, and scientifically, it’s impossible. These people need to stop playing God and mail ordering babies like they’re part of Target’s newest line of trending products.
This takes hypocrite to a whole new level.
It’s become very common amongst the left to refer to pro-lifers with derogatory terms. After all, the left has no class. As of late, with the overturn of Roe last June, the left has called pro-lifers things like “forced birthers” or “human incubators” and even referred to them as supporting concepts like that of the “Handmaids Tale.” Well now, pro-abort California is supporting those terms they refer to pro-lifers as.
Oh, how the tables have turned.
In California’s SB-729 bill that was amended late last month, the state would require insurance companies to cover the cost of surrogacy for gay and lesbian couples that want babies, if passed.
Talk about incubators!
Surrogacy in this form would take a sperm donation from one or both fathers, and implant it in a woman to carry. The woman would endure the nine month pregnancy, have to attend checkups, maintain her health and then go through childbirth of her biological child, just to give it up. Now I don’t want to discredit her pregnancy. All pregnancy, no matter how it came about should be celebrated. However, the left can’t seriously look at a situation like this and then call pro-lifers the forced birthers.
That’s exactly what this is!
A provision to the bill indicated that “coverage for the treatment of infertility and fertility services shall be provided without discrimination on the basis of age, ancestry, color, disability, domestic partner status, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation,” and insisted that coverage would be for anyone, not just men and women who have medical trouble conceiving.
As noted by the Washington Free Beacon, this provision would provide coverage for hetero and homosexual couples.
In California, health care insurance providers were already required to cover fertility treatments other than in-vitro for employees who are medically infertile. But now, the bill changed the word “infertility” to no longer be defined as a disease or a medical condition, but rather a “status.” So gay people could claim the “status” of infertile and gain access to this coverage. This coverage that, mind you, would “raise annual premiums for employer-sponsored plans by more than $330 million a year.”
“This bill seeks to further erode the father, mother, and child nuclear family and make everyone in society pay for it to further a make-believe cause named ‘fertility equality,'” California Family Council Capitol director Greg Burt said in opposition to the bill. “The reason healthy singles and same-sex couples can’t reproduce has nothing to do with infertility; it has to do with biology.”
On the other hand, an organization called Men Having Babies boasted, “Central to our fight for more equitable access to parenting options is what we know from our combined experiences: The anguish and yearning that same-sex couples and singles feel due to their inability to reproduce without medical intervention is equal to the anguish of heterosexual couples who suffer from ‘medical infertility.”
“Anguish and yearning?” Seriously?
Gay people can’t get pregnant because their parts don’t enable them to do so. Two women can’t ever make a child and neither can two men. That’s not how God designed them, and scientifically, it’s impossible. These people need to stop playing God and mail ordering babies like they’re part of Target’s newest line of trending products.