Is there anything Donald Trump can’t do…or can’t be blamed for?
I just finished a post on how his mere election was enough to lift economic confidence boats across the choppy waters of commerce, from consumers to small business to the like of Goldman Sachs.
And now comes this news that the state willing to put off taking care of their suffering wildfire victims because it’s more important they ‘Trump-proof’ their whack-job woke policies…has suddenly thrown in the towel at the looming inauguration of that very nemesis/
What gives?
I thought California and oleaginous Governor Gavin ‘The Shimmy’ Newsom were wedded to electric vehicles and the climate cult vision of utopia to the death...or at least the death of the state.
They been going gangbusters trying to destroy it so far.
The results of California’s climate policy:
– highest electricity and gas…