Red state

Can Biden Win Reelection? Microsoft’s New AI ‘Healthy Information Ecosystem’ Could Be the Difference – RedState

From pre-USSR Russian Bolsheviks (and probably before) to Canadian Catholic Archbishops to today’s Democrat Party, variations of the following quote have stuck around for a reason.

Those who control the media of communication will ultimately control the minds of the people.

The reason, of course, is because the maxim is true. 

This brings us to the issue at hand. Microsoft is launching a plan to use artificial intelligence (AI) to create a “healthy information ecosystem” — just in time for the 2024 election. How “coincidental.”  

The world’s richest company announced its plans in a February 5 headline on its website

Here’s How We’re Working with Journalists to Create Newsrooms of the Future with AI

Today, Microsoft is launching several collaborations with news organizations to adopt generative AI. In a year where billions of people will vote in democratic elections…

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