I’m not going to lie about this, but when I wrote about Kid Rock pitching this idea last week it was crazy and probably would never happen.
READ MORE: Kid Rock Has an Idea That Needs to Happen: Inviting Bill Maher to the White House for Dinner
Yet here we are.
There are two parts to the story about Bill Maher on his latest podcast and show but I’m going to break a rule in media that usually suggests you stretch out the thing that you really want to focus on last but I’m going to reverse it and talk about that first.
On his show Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO he was talking about how badly the democrats are faring in polling but on his podcast Club Random he revealed that Michigan native Kid Rock had arranged a meeting at the White House with Donald Trump.
Holy… well, you know.
When I read this right HERE I had to double-take to make sure it was real.