Hot Air

Canadian Parliament Turned Into a Shouting Match Yesterday – HotAir

Things got heated in Canada’s House of Commons yesterday when the NDP and the Conservatives started shouting at one another after some pretty harsh commentary by conservative leader Pierre Poilievre. We’ll get to that in a moment but first here’s all of the ongoing political drama that led up to this moment.

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leads a coalition government, meaning his Liberal Party had to partner with the even further left-wing New Democratic Party (NDP) to install him as PM. But Trudeau’s approval ratings have been sliding for months and two weeks ago, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh announced he was tearing up the agreement to support Trudeau’s government. That meant that, in theory, Trudeau was exposed to a vote of no-confidence which could trigger a new election, one which polls suggest the conservatives would win.

But Pierre Poilievre, leader of the conservatives,…

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