News Busters

Capehart Gets Triggered At Idea Biden’s Russia Record Isn’t Great

Washington Post associate editor and PBS News Hour talking head Jonathan Capehart was triggered on Friday when the American Enterprise Institute’s Danielle Pletka argued that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s record on Russia isn’t the greatest. While he found Pletka’s arguments to be “incredibly insulting,” he never actually debunked them.

Host Geoff Bennett began by asking Pletka what has to happen to get Donald Trump to view Ukraine’s success as something that is in the U.S.’s best interest. Pletka responded by putting the question to the side and highlighted several ways the White House hasn’t helped. First she recalled President Zelenskyy’s recent trip to a Pennsylvania munitions factory, “I think he was manipulated, and I think he was manipulated cynically by the White House.”



She defended Zelenskyy…

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