News Busters

CBS Casts Biden as LBJ

The first draft of history, specifically, President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from his campaign to seek reelection, is being rewritten in real time. In addition to being likened to Washington and Cincinnatus, Biden is now drawing media comparisons to Lyndon Baines Johnson.

Watch as CBS’s Mark Strassman points out an underreported parallel in the presidents’ decisions to step aside:

LYNDON JOHNSON: I shall not seek and I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president.

MARK STRASSMAN: Updegrove says that decision, like President Biden’s to step aside, was more than political. There were health concerns.

MARK UPDEGROVE: LBJ truly believed that he might jeopardize the country because his heart might fail.

We were told that Biden is stepping down due to bad polling, proof evident that he had no path to victory in…

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