News Busters

CBS Claims Trump Is ‘False’ on Its Deceptive Editing

On Sunday night, the the 60 Minutes team at CBS News put out a statement of self-defense about their sneaky or sleazy editing of their Kamala Harris interview special. The word salad aired in a Face The Nation promo didn’t match the more coherent answer that aired the next night.

CBS claimed “Former President Donald Trump is accusing 60 Minutes of deceitful editing of our Oct. 7 interview with Vice President Kamala Harris. That is false.” But CBS News has yet to release an unedited video or full transcript of the interview, which would put these matters to rest. The radioactive fact that they won’t simply release the full reality here signals that it’s not going to make either CBS or Kamala look good.

In his “Reliable Sources” newsletter, Brian Stelter’s headline was 60 Minutes refutes Trump.” Rebut, maybe, but not refute. Stelter wrote:…

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