CBS “News” dedicated a nearly ten minute segment to the “inspiring” story of a drag queen on Broadway.
The segment featured one drag queen turned trannie, Jinkx Monsoon, who erupted in a monsoon of woke ideology and progressivism on CBS.
CBS correspondent Christina Ruffini interviewed Jinkx about his life. He started drag around 15-years-old and made his way by auditioning for female roles in theater. He also won Ru Paul’s Drag Race’s fifth season in 2013, which really skyrocketed his performing career. Now, as an out “she/them,” Jinkx is supposedly making history by being cast on Broadway as a female lead in Chicago the musical. Praise, well — not God — but somebody for gender blind casting.
On the segment, Jinkx explained that it was challenging to perform “both on and off stage,” and how he used alcohol “to cope.” Now instead, he publicly celebrates his identity, with the help of therapy, his playstation and witchcraft.
Checks out, honestly.
“She’s replaced the ritual with, actual rituals,” Ruffini said. Then she produced some stones to combat “anger” that she brought back to the CBS studio for her co-workers.
She should have grabbed the stone to combat idiocy.
The two then got into the growing “backlash” that drag queens have been receiving. “Drag has slayed and sashayed its way into mainstream entertainment,” Ruffini began, “it’s also become a target.” Violence against anyone is always wrong, but it’s important to point out that drag only became an issue when drag queens got out of their own lane and got into the lane where children exist.
If you wanna do drag, go ahead. You’re weird but I mean, feel free. However, the second a drag queen enters a space with children present, THAT’s when the line needs to be drawn. Children should not be subjected to such a twisted way of life and told to accept it as normal.
Whether its children attending “family-friendly” drag shows where performers execute provocative dance moves and lay spread eagle on the floor, or where drag queens host fashion shows for “drag youth,” or drag queen story hour, “drag” and “children” should never intersect.
The most ironic part of the segment was when Jinkx said life was too short to pretend to be someone else! Which facilitated the rest of the CBS hosts to agree for that to be the “mantra.”
“That is the mantra. That is the relatability for everyone watching to who she is, what she does, and what she’s overcome.”
Thank’s CBS for showing just what exactly you think the world needs more of: drag.
CBS “News” dedicated a nearly ten minute segment to the “inspiring” story of a drag queen on Broadway.
The segment featured one drag queen turned trannie, Jinkx Monsoon, who erupted in a monsoon of woke ideology and progressivism on CBS.
CBS correspondent Christina Ruffini interviewed Jinkx about his life. He started drag around 15-years-old and made his way by auditioning for female roles in theater. He also won Ru Paul’s Drag Race’s fifth season in 2013, which really skyrocketed his performing career. Now, as an out “she/them,” Jinkx is supposedly making history by being cast on Broadway as a female lead in Chicago the musical. Praise, well — not God — but somebody for gender blind casting.
On the segment, Jinkx explained that it was challenging to perform “both on and off stage,” and how he used alcohol “to cope.” Now instead, he publicly celebrates his identity, with the help of therapy, his playstation and witchcraft.
Checks out, honestly.
“She’s replaced the ritual with, actual rituals,” Ruffini said. Then she produced some stones to combat “anger” that she brought back to the CBS studio for her co-workers.
She should have grabbed the stone to combat idiocy.
The two then got into the growing “backlash” that drag queens have been receiving. “Drag has slayed and sashayed its way into mainstream entertainment,” Ruffini began, “it’s also become a target.” Violence against anyone is always wrong, but it’s important to point out that drag only became an issue when drag queens got out of their own lane and got into the lane where children exist.
If you wanna do drag, go ahead. You’re weird but I mean, feel free. However, the second a drag queen enters a space with children present, THAT’s when the line needs to be drawn. Children should not be subjected to such a twisted way of life and told to accept it as normal.
Whether its children attending “family-friendly” drag shows where performers execute provocative dance moves and lay spread eagle on the floor, or where drag queens host fashion shows for “drag youth,” or drag queen story hour, “drag” and “children” should never intersect.
The most ironic part of the segment was when Jinkx said life was too short to pretend to be someone else! Which facilitated the rest of the CBS hosts to agree for that to be the “mantra.”
“That is the mantra. That is the relatability for everyone watching to who she is, what she does, and what she’s overcome.”
Thank’s CBS for showing just what exactly you think the world needs more of: drag.