News Busters

CBS Runs Fawning Jane Fonda Promo

There are puff pieces and then there is whatever senior climate correspondent David Schechter cooked up on CBS Saturday Morning when he chose to highlight actress Jane Fonda’s campaigning for “climate-friendly politicians.”

Schechter claimed, “For most of her 85 years, Fonda’s been more than an actor, she’s been a regular presence on the front lines of causes that are bigger than herself.”



As footage of Fonda palling around with a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft crew played in the background, Schechter delivered what had to be the understatement of the year, “In 1972 she made a controversial visit to Vietnam opposing the war.”

Schechter also promoted Fonda’s abortion activism, “In the 1990s, she marched to support women’s reproductive rights.”

After a clip of Fonda at an abortion rally, Schechter got to the main point of…

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