If you wanted more evidence of the descent of CBS News into utterly pretentious piffle, look no further than CBS Evening News Plus, which indulges the ego of its anchor, John Dickerson, by enabling a “Reporter’s Notebook” editorial at the close of each telecast. Dickerson’s latest oeuvre: a diatribe blaming President Donald Trump and Elon Musk for ruining spring for him.
Watch Dickerson’s grandiloquent pomposity for yourselves, and drink it all in:
JOHN DICKERSON: The happiness report is here again. I’m not talking about the global rankings of happiness that was published today. I’m talking about spring, nature’s happiness report, which also arrives today. It is the first day of spring where we are. A fact that might not be in evidence everywhere but will be soon enough. Spring is pushy. Water seeps up stalks, bulbs, crack; bird answers bird….