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Celebrities Fleeing Trump And X

It’s the ultimate virtue signal, and that’s saying something by Hollywood standards.

If Donald Trump wins on Election Day I’m leaving the country! That was the 2016 rally cry echoed by stars like Samuel L. Jackson, Cher, Amy Schumer, Lena Dunham, Whoopi Goldberg, Miley Cyrus and Snoop Dogg just before Trump’s improbable first term.

Spoiler alert. They stayed put. Or, as Schumer inelegantly put it, “just kidding!”

It quickly became a way to mock Celebrity Nation. Oh, you’re leaving if your preferred candidate doesn’t win on Election Day? Don’t let the door hit you where the Good Lord split you!

Mockery aside, the notion of a second Trump term coaxed some stars to make very similar complaints. The stars apparently either didn’t hear the ribbing that ensued the first time around or they didn’t care. Emotions run hot in Hollywood, so the latest election cycle found…

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