Red state

Census Bureau Miscounts Always Mysteriously Favor Democrats – RedState

We are all familiar with the process of the decennial census, mandated by Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution. The enumeration of the United States population is used, among other things, to apportion seats in the House of Representatives among the 50 states. We may remember that the loss of (productive) population in places like California and New York has caused those states to lose House seats since the 2020 tally.

Now a House of Representatives inquiry into the conduct of the census reveals that miscounts in that tally may have been hiding that the loss in blue states may have been underestimated; the Census Bureau has apparently miscounted in many areas, and oddly enough, the miscounts always seem to favor Democrats.

A key House committee has begun an investigation into Census Bureau overcounts and undercounts that favor Democrats in awarding congressional…

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