Check Out This Sneaky Border Bill Provision That Makes It Even Worse Than Everyone Is Saying – RedState
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Check Out This Sneaky Border Bill Provision That Makes It Even Worse Than Everyone Is Saying – RedState

My colleague Bonchie wrote on some of the problems in the Senate border bill earlier. 

As more comes out, it’s even worse than people thought. People have been talking about the emergency provisions kicking in to shut down the border at 5,000 illegal aliens on average over seven consecutive days or 8,500 in one day. You have the discretion to activate it at an average of 4,000 a day over seven consecutive days, but you have to activate it at 5,000. And yes, that’s ridiculous because you should just be applying the provision to enforce the law from the first illegal alien rather than all this. This looks like you’re codifying illegality. Some estimated that it would work out to 28K per week, 121K a month, and 1.46M a year.  On top of it all, as we noted, Joe Biden—as long as he’s occupying the Oval Office—has the power to override things, he can suspend the shutdown authority…

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