Red state

Checkmate? US Removes Missiles From the Philippines As China’s Xi Plays JFK to Biden’s Khrushchev – RedState

Friday night, President Joe Biden sat for an extended interview with ABC Washington correspondent and former Clinton White House muppet George Stephanopoulos. This interview was the first Biden has conducted since his humiliating performance in Thursday’s debate with former president Donald Trump. It was also the first interview Biden gave in 2024 and only the 23rd interview Biden gave during his presidency—the last was in November. It came as a critical time for Biden as his dementia has become so pronounced that even the media and other Democrats have begun to notice. 

Nothing in the interview did anything to tamp down rumors and news stories about his general unfitness to serve now, much less run for another full term. If anything, any doubt you may have had about the stories was quickly dispelled.


Desperation: ABC Moves Up Crucial Biden Interview in Hail Mary Effort…

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