I think there’s one thing we can all agree on: for a teacher (granted of very short tenure), Chicago’s mayor, Brandon Johnson, is a very, very slow learner.
He seems the sort of bear-of-little-brain who stumbles through life and survives only by being a useful tool to others. The fragile and thin-skinned Johnson wields the enormous chip on his shoulder with alacrity when it comes to making excuses for his demonstrable short-comings while doing the bidding of his puppetmasters, as their goals are directly at odds with the traditional loyalties of his office. His oath, not that it meant anything to him, was to the people of Chicago, not to the Chicago Teacher’s Union (CTU) (as I cataloged here) and that organization’s delightful president, Stacy Davis Gates (whom I introduced you to a year ago this past December).
The voluble Ms Gates just caught some…