Hot Air

Chicago Mayor Impounds Buses from Texas, Citations Issued – HotAir

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is trying to manage the chaos created by the arrival of illegal aliens to his sanctuary city. One solution he is implementing is to impound buses coming from Texas and issue citations.

Let’s be honest – Mayor Johnson is not the sharpest tool in the shed. He has been in office for seven months and he has yet to accomplish anything of noteworthiness. He’s good at getting before a camera, though, and trashing Texas Governor Abbott for taking Chicago up on its claim of being a sanctuary city. Texas as an overabundance of illegal aliens, thanks to the Biden border crisis, and everything was fine as long as Texas was going it alone and dealing with the illegal border crossers. However, once Governor Abbott began using migrant buses as a part of Operation Lone Star, the border security initiative he implemented in March 2021 when it became apparent…

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