Stacy Davis Gates, president of the Chicago Teachers Union, seems nice. She verified what a lot of teacher union critics say.
In a radio interview on Sunday, Gates told the host that conservatives don’t want black children to learn to read because it is “part of the oath they take to be right wing.”
Well now. I must have missed that memo because I don’t know anything about an oath. WTH? What oath did she take to be a progressive nut job? Two can play that game.
The interview was with WBBM News radio and the station’s political editor, Craig Dellimore, spoke with her on a segment for “At Issue” that delved into the union’s contract demands.
Some demands are social justice issues. Shocker, I know.
Dellimore asked Gates about union contract proposals that conservatives call too big. Concerns are raised because many elements in the contract are not directly concerned with education.