Plenty of cities are famous for one thing or another. With Boston it is beans; Philadelphia is known for a certain cheese steak sandwich, Memphis for barbecue, Los Angeles for show business (and massive homeless encampments) and San Francisco – well, it was once known as a place for fine cuisine, but now it’s notorious for poop maps.
Chicago was once known for baseball, a specific style of pizza, and its museums. Nowadays, though, Chicago has another claim to fame notoriety; it is, for the 13th year in a row, the murder capital of the United States.
For the 13th consecutive year, the city of Chicago once again reigned as the nation’s homicide capital in 2024 with 573 murders.
Wirepoints President Ted Dabrowski views that as a sickness he argues has been allowed to fester for too long.
Even as overall murder rates across the country dipped, Chicago also…