Hot Air

Chicago would like gang members to only shoot people at night, please

When Chicago’s old anti-cop mayor was replaced by its new anti-cop Mayor, Brandon Johnson, some were concerned that he wouldn’t do enough to combat the gang violence that has been leaving a trail of bodies around the Windy City for years. Well, fear not. The Mayor and the City Council are working with a local community group called Native Sons to develop a messaging campaign aimed at Chicago’s street gangs. Rather than threatening to lock them up and throw away the key, they are politely asking the gangbangers to restrict their shooting activities to between the hours of 9 pm and 9 am when they are “less likely” to gun down children and innocent bystanders. How did nobody think of this before? As Amber Harding of Outkick puts it, Chicago is literally looking more and more like a scene from the movie The Purge.Read More 

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