There’s nothing like having a rabidly progressive, bought-and-paid-for teacher’s union foot soldier as mayor of your city. Things are guaranteed to be as terrifically run, as uncontrollably chaotic, and as completely free of accountability as any school administration in the city’s district.
That’s how they jelly roll, and now that they own the seat at the head of the table, too?
Good luck with that “education” thingee Chicago parents thought they were supposed to be getting from “public schools.”
The Chicago Teachers’ Union (CTU) has long covered itself in greedy, indolent ignominy, and the latest union president is proudly upholding that tradition, as I noted last week. Not only were Indiana authorities intrigued to realize CTU head Stacy Davis Gates had maintained in state tax filings over the past 16 years that her primary residence was in South Bend instead…