Hot Air

Chris Sununu Has a Bad Case of Blinken Eyes – HotAir

There’s a pretty inadvertently hilarious commercial on the telly that pops up during the cheaper newscasts and off-peak times. It’s for another of those “collectible” coins that’s been washed in whatever karat gold finish, and is “legal tender” from some island chain in the Pacific. What cracks me up about it is the line at the end, earnestly urging the listener not to miss this extraordinary opportunity for investment:

“…Order NOW to avoid disappointment and future regret.”

I just die every time.

And it comes to mind, like, when there’s a piece of cake left or lonely slice of uneaten bacon – do I wait ’til later like an adult? Or NOW, going for immediate gratification and thereby avoiding disappointment and future regret?

“Now” always wins – nom nom nom – even though “future regret” in my “once on the lips, forever on the hips” existence…

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