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Climate Change Guru Michael Mann Gets Sanctioned for Dishonesty but He’s Still the Big Winner – RedState

Climate change alarmist Michael Mann’s ill-conceived lawsuit against the online critics continued to go pear-shaped Wednesday as a federal judge sanctioned Mann and his legal counsel for acting in “bad faith.” That, of course, could easily describe Mann’s entire career as a climate grifter. “Here, the Court finds, by clear and convincing evidence,” wrote DC Superior Court Judge Alfred Irving, Jr., (George W. Bush appointee), “That Dr. Mann, through [his lawyers] Mr. Fontaine and Mr. Williams, acted in bad faith when they presented erroneous evidence and made false representations to the jury and the Court regarding damages stemming from loss of grant funding.”

The saga began in 2012 when Mann, bruised from the email leak that seemed to indicate his famous “hockey stick” graph was a deliberate fraud (remember “hide the decline?”), decided to go after a…

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