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Climate Change Isn’t Making Hurricanes Worse. Here’s Why.

Climate alarmists like President Joe Biden assure us that all we need do to avert the destruction of hurricanes—or at least to lessen it—is to sacrifice offerings to the climate gods by giving up our gas-guzzling internal combustion engines and paying indulgences to Al Gore or something.

You see, humans as a species have sinned, and we must sacrifice our prosperity to prevent the end of the world. Unfortunately for the alarmists, the world stubbornly refuses to end, and even the supposed evidence they trot out as proof of impending doom doesn’t exactly mean what they think it means.

Take hurricanes, for example.

In October, Biden insisted that “nobody can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore because of Hurricane Helene.”

“Scientists report that with warming oceans powering more intense rains, storms like Helene are getting stronger and…

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