News Busters

CNBC Misses Mark as Trump Blasts Google Bias Exposed By Media Research Center

CNBC staff largely missed the point as they reported on a former president’s outraged response to Google bias demonstrated in an MRC study.

CNBC Senior Washington Correspondent Eamon Javers responded to a Truth Social post by former President Donald Trump on the Sept. 27 edition of Power Lunch. In his post, Trump blasted Google for placing negative news stories above his campaign website, a clear example of bias exposed by MRC Assistant Editor Gabriela Pariseau. But instead of delving into Google’s bias, Javers used it as an opportunity to claim that Trump wants to control the media. “So the former president of the United States here [is] certainly trying to work the refs in terms of media coverage of himself,” Javers said. 

When MRC researchers searched for “donald trump presidential race 2024,” Google topped its results with a…

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