News Busters

CNN Analyst ‘Worried’ About VP Pick J.D. Vance ‘Eliminating DEI’

As the third night of the Republican National Convention began, critiques surrounding Senator and vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance (R-OH) before his formal convention speech were rising amongst many in the liberal media. It was apparent that with former President Donald Trump naming Vance as his running mate, Vance had become their next target. CNN Political Commentator and former communications director for VP Kamala Harris, Jamal Simmons, perfectly exemplified this as he critiqued the vice presidential pick for “eliminating DEI.”

Hours before the up and coming Vance was set to speak, political commentators from CNN convened to either praise or air their grievances regarding the VP pick. Simmons took his time however to share his disappointment around the politician stating:

I met him in 2016 and I was a fan because of the book and I thought, wow,…

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