News Busters

CNN Audie’s All Anti-Trump Panel Assails Dept. of Education End

Stephen Collinson Audie Cornish Cari Champion Sabrina Rodriguez CNN This Morning 3-20-25 Keeping her habit intact of assembling conservative-free panels, CNN This Morning host Audie Cornish’s guests today were CNN’s oh-so-serious Stephen Collinson, Washington Post reporter Sabrina Rodriguez, and Cari Champion, a CNN contributor who’s also the host of the “Naked Sports” podcast.

The target was Trump’s moves to shut down the Department of Education. There were clips of a teachers union boss, a school principal, and the Dem Lt. Gov. of Kentucky, all bewailing what would happen. Unsurprisingly, no clips from conservative activists applauding the end of the Department of Education’s efforts to inject leftist ideology into school curricula, and to use its budget to fund leftist NGOs. 

Cornish even managed to work in a clip of Lisa Murkowski [speaking of herself in the third person], kvetching that Musk might take the next billion he makes from Starlink to finance a primary…

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